The mission of Ouray School District R-1, an educational community built on high expectations, is for all students to contribute responsibly in a global society by ensuring them an exceptional education in a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment.
PRIORITY 1: Ouray School attracts and retains high quality staff.
Competitive salaries and benefits for all staff
High quality professional development
- Strive for annual increases to the base
- Achieve a teacher base of $50K by FY2028
- Examine steps and column movement
- Examine creative compensation approaches including salary vs benefits
- Expand stipends for strategic priorities and values
- Expand onboarding/orientation program
- Create a revolving loan fund for continuing education
- Support individual and collective PD needs through a healthy staff development budget
- Foster a culture of feedback
- Collaborate with regional districts and education nonprofits to expand opportunities
Measures of Success
- Staff retention rates
- Annual staff climate survey
- TLCC state teacher survey
Measures of Success
- Professional development feedback
- Annual staff climate survey
PRIORITY 2: Ouray School strives to develop the whole learner.
Safe learning culture
Mental health supports
FOCUS 3 Interpersonal communication skills
- Develop trusting staff-student relationships
- Maintain an inclusion culture
- Implement a middle school social emotional learning curriculum
- Implement conflict resolution protocols
- Provide time and space for student-needs discussions
- Centralize and communicate community resources
- Expand partnerships with regional community organizations and community learning
- Establish a school-based therapy agreement
- Provide authentic audiences
- Create performance projects/assessments
- Foster cross-grade interactions
- Rehearse communication skills / role playing
- Practice interviews and resume clinics
Measures of Success
- Biennial Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS)
- Student Perception Surveys
- Climate surveys
Measures of Success
- Biennial Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS)
- Student Perception Surveys
Measures of Success
PRIORITY 3: Ouray School provides diverse educational offerings, opportunities, and experiences.
Course offerings and learning experience
Beyond-the-classroom experiences
- Develop an intentional advisory program
- Expand Peak Experiences to all schools
- Provide differentiated classroom instruction
- Provide and support diverse course offerings
- Support learning with current instructional technologies
- Empower staff and students to travel regionally, nationally, internationally
- Expand experiential learning opportunities
- Expand student-led clubs and activities
- Expand Work-Based Learning partnerships
- Serve the community through service learning
Measures of Success
- Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) continuum
- Biennial parent school climate survey
Measures of Success
- Biennial parent school climate survey
PRIORITY 4: Ouray School develops strong family-school-community partnerships.
Stakeholder communication
Stakeholder engagement
- Promote school and community events across diverse platforms
- Target just-in-time communication
- Conduct school and community surveys
- Establish parent and community involvement needs at each level
- Engage stakeholders in strategic and facilities planning
- Involve the community in plan feedback and evaluation
Measures of Success
- Biennial parent school climate survey
- Annual superintendent evaluation feedback
- Communication platform analytics
Measures of Success
- Stakeholder attendance/participation
- Community input/feedback
PRIORITY 5: Ouray School conducts capital planning to achieve the strategic needs of the district.
Staff housing
Buildings and learning spaces for the future
- Investigate the purchase of district-owned staff housing
- Establish an affordable housing committee
- Create district fund for affordable housing
- Network with landlords to leverage opportunities for staff
- Design future buildings for expanded programs and course offerings
- Include flexible learning spaces
- Design multi-purpose spaces
- Provide quality athletic facilities
Measures of Success
- Tenant occupancy rate
- Committee membership/charges and agendas
Measures of Success
- Facilities master plan completion
- Stakeholder attendance in planning and design