Academic Supports
Academic planning for students is a collaborative effort between the student, family, high school advisors, teachers, and school counselors. Ouray School District ensures that students are on pace for moving to the next grade, are being presented with rigor, and are working towards post-secondary goals.
High School Graduation Requirements
Students will earn a minimum of 28 credits to meet OHS Graduation Requirements in the following areas:
Language Arts - 4 credits
Math - 3 credits
Science - 3 credits
Social Studies - 3.5 credits
World Language - 1 credit
Physical Education - 1 credit
Humanities - 2 credits
Business - 1 credit
Technology - 1 credit
Health - .5 credits
Electives - 8 credits
Course Catalog
In order to provide a variety of courses to HS students, not all classes are offered each year. Please work with your HS advisor and school counselor to plan for continuous academic years, especially if you are interested in AP or College Concurrent courses.
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
Ouray HS teachers have worked hard to provide a variety of advanced course options for students. Currently we offer:
English - AP LIterature and AP Composition (on rotating years)
Science - AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, and AP Physics I (on rotating years)
Math - AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC
Please speak to the content area teacher or your HS mentor about taking these courses.
Students will take the AP exam each spring, many colleges or universities offer college credits tests with a certain score. Students/families are responsible for paying the AP fee to OSD before the test is ordered. Test payments are due the fall of each year and must be paid before registration can be complete.
For more specific information about the AP program please visit AP Program - College Board
College Concurrent Courses
In partnership with CMU/WCCC Ouray HS offers college concurrent courses. Students earn a total of 3 college credits each semester. The tuition is paid by OSD and the College Opportunity Fund. Students are required to pass the course with a certain grade, if not the tuition fee becomes the responsibility of the student/family. Students will also need to complete CMU and COF registration before beginning the course.
Ouray HS offers History college concurrent courses which rotate each year. The current rotation is:
2024-25 - College American History
Student placement in college concurrent courses is based on teacher recommendation.
SAT and PSAT Test
Currently in Colorado students take the SAT/PSAT suite of assessments as their state test each spring. Testing is scheduled as follows:
9th Grade - PSAT 8/9
10th Grade - PSAT 10
11th Grade - SAT
In addition 11th grade students take the PSAT/NSMQT each fall to prepare for the SAT and as the entry for the National Student Merit Scholarship program.
For more information on the SAT suite of assessments visit College Board
Colorado Department of Education - Graduation Requirements
Starting with the class of 2022 CDE has implemented additional graduation requirements. Colorado Graduation Guidelines are a road map to help students and their families plan for success after high school. In order to graduate from high school, students choose from a Menu of Options - adopted at the local school board level - to demonstrate Post-secondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) in Reading, Writing and Communicating, and Mathematics.
Ouray HS works with each student individually to meet these graduation requirements and offers opportunities, based on access in our rural area, for students to have access to a variety of methods to demonstrate their abilities.