Thank you for a few minutes of your time to consider and provide input to the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic calendars. Initial work with staff, school board, and the District Advisory and Accountability Committee demonstrated strong support for a similar calendar to previous years with small revisions. The challenge for the 2022-23 school year is that Christmas is on a Sunday, and there are family travel considerations. These challenges ease in the 2023-24 school year.
This survey is anonymous, and we appreciate your time and thoughts for feedback. Survey feedback will be shared with the board and a calendar approved at the January or February regular board meeting.
Calendar Notes
- Same number of student contact days as previous years
- Continuing in-calendar staff professional development days
- Start/End and Spring Break align with Ridgway
- Winter Holiday break may differ from Ridgway in 2022-23 but likely realign in 2023-24
CALENDAR 1: 2022-23 Academic Calendar
CALENDAR 2: 2023-24 Academic Calendar
Source: Ouray 2022-23 School Calendar Feedback